Thursday, June 13, 2013

Valedictorian Award and Speech

Good Evening

When I started the PSW course, I lacked confidence and self esteem. I thought that because of my age and how I look I had to work harder, study harder than anyone else, to be able to prove to everyone that I could do it. When I look back I realize that proving it to myself was far more rewarding. Now I stand confidently before you, proud to represent the psw class of 2010, and looking at all of my classmates and extremely grateful to be part of such an extraordinary group of people.

Welcome faculty, administrators, teachers, family and friends to this… our day of recognition for all of the hard work and dedication that we have put forth to get us to this day…our Graduation Day!

A sincere thanks to Theresa Harper-Dube, Principal at Loyola,  Barb Stratton, who got us through our first placement and of course to Pat Offer who always greeted us each morning with a smile.  Special thanks to our families who made countless sacrifices and encouraged us every step of the way. This will always be appreciated and without you, we would never have made it.  Another Special thanks to Gina Hovencamp, who made our second placement such a great experience and also to our Teacher Carole Finn who always knew our potential and always pushed us beyond that to make us strive harder to succeed. Thank you for taking the time to believe in us so that in turn, we could believe in ourselves.

To the PSW class of 2010….wow what can I say! You are the best.  We've been through a lot together. I know some of us may go our separate ways, but as we move on, always remember that we all take a part of each other wherever we may go. We have had a lot of laughs and lets face it, even a few tears.

When I asked the class what their worst memory of class was, most responded with mental breakdowns before, after or during a test,  our dented fingers and the trees we killed from taking so many notes.

When I asked the class about their most memorable moments in class, there were many chuckles about getting locked in classroom with the teacher, getting locked out of the van at placement, with Leonard to the rescue while Lise and I stood back laughing and taking pictures. And of course, meeting each other and forming lasting friendships.
I wish you all the very best in wherever life should take you. It has been an absolute privilege and I am so proud of each and every one of you. You have all made a difference in my life, and I know you will continue to make a difference in the lives of others…

Please join me in a round of applause for the PSW Class of 2010!

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