Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Career Begins

I finally applied for school to become a Personal Support Worker....

After applying, I had an interview with the instructor, 

(Mrs. Finn). I walked into her office, nervous, covered with tattoos ....she asked me what I wanted out of this course.

 I want to Graduate, I want to attend my Graduation ( I did not attend my High School Graduation ) , I want to make my children proud and I WANT Valedictorian!

She said in reply " you've set high standards for yourself. With having 3 children, are you up for this?" .....

I started school and I loved it! I loved learning and studying and helping others study. My instructor taught me who I am today as a Personal Support Worker. Mrs. F was tough, omg she was tough! But she knew her stuff and she made sure that those of us willing to learn knew our stuff too! 


Lorrie Ridge PSW

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